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Everyone has difficult times in their life. You've heard all of the timeless adages that have been around forever, such as: "When it rains...It pours" or "Things get worse before they get better." It was at one of these times that we realized that such sayings weren't giving us the inspiration to deal with the problems of today, but instead making us hope that the future could only be better. We have the necessary tools to deal with the today. It's just a matter of finding the trigger to execute them.

Conversly, when things are going amazing in life, most of the time as a result of hard work and determination. We must still move along to the next endeavor. We must learn from yesterday, plan for tomrrow, but remain focused on the present. 

So what tool or trigger could possibly apply to both the negative and positive in life?

"Accept It, Deal with It, Move On" is used as a device to overcome whatever and whenever. All problems can be worked through by accepting it, dealing with it and moving on. Personalize it, make it your own for every situation. It is what it is and only you can make it apply to your life in any way that you want.

Our definition of "Accept It, Deal with It, Move On" can lead to your personal definition.

Accept It: Accept the situation at hand at that point in time, whatever the situation may be. We cannot know for sure what will happen next, but whatever it is--- good or bad--- Accept that situation, however major or minor. Accept it as it is, where it is. Accept it as it has happened and accept it for what it actually is, not what it may be or what it has or could have been, but for what it actually is. Accept it with a calm, non-judgmental reception knowing that the next step is Dealing with it. Embrace whatever it is with the confidence that you can handle whatever it is or will ever be. Whether intentional, unintentional, right or wrong; it must be embraced whole heartedly for what it is this is essential for whatever it is to be properly dealt with.

Deal with It: Deal with whatever the situation is. You now know it is real, now take it at face value and deal with it to the best of your ability. Deal with it directly, honestly, and head on. There is a time and place for everything. Only Deal with it at that point in time if your heart feels good about it--- otherwise step back, gather information or your thoughts about that situation and absorb what the situation actually is then engage whole heartedly. Deal with it the best you can, with all that you are, body and mind. Just do the best you can, that is all you can do. You will know when to engage. Do what it right and just Always. You will know when you consciously feel good about it it will feel natural, comfortable, and Good.

Move On:This is very important. Knowing that you did the best you could is all you can do with the Accepting stage and with the Dealing stage, now you MUST Move on this is the natural progression of life of experiences of growth and of greatness. You have dealt with it, now move on. Don't look back, close that door behind you and imagine that door has automatically dissolved, evaporated into the wall and your only option is to move through the next door (next door being the next situation that will follow either as an offspring of the previous situation or a completely new situation.) You have accepted that situation; you have consciously dealt with that situation to where you feel good about it, where you can be at peace. Now you can move on in life, a more confident person (within yourself) making good confident decisions, constantly nurturing growth and promoting, within yourself - progress. You did the best you could do, and that is enough, now Move On.

This is our perspective on "Accept it, Deal with it, Move on." What can it do for you? How can you embrace this maxim in your life to help you better your situation, your relationships, and your karma? What is your perspective? We'd love to hear your story too.